SG Wild In Wild OK Maggie Mae

TNR CT Cinderella x Sans Gene K Heart of Oak

VEEE90 @ 04-02


Maggie is the resident slinky snake. She’s a stretchy, deep, feminine doe with a clean toppling and a nice wide rump (which is good since she likes the big litters). Mags is lucky she’s a looker because she’s also a croucher and a yeller. We likely will not breed Maggie again but she’s made a mark on our herd. She has a daughter, son, granddaughters and great granddaughters working in the herd: Spider frm Mars (x Gacrux), Pilgrim (x Kane), Ramona (Night Moves daughter), Good Witch (Night Moves daughter), Betty Lou (Pilgrim daughter), Emmylou (Pilgrim daughter), Betty White (Betty Lou daughter), and Penny Dreadful (Emmylou daughter).

Maggie has daughters working at Sans Gene Goats and Floof Farm and a son working at Whimsy Woods Farm.

One of her 2022 daughters x Redstone Nigel Gacrux is for sale as a yearling. Her son, Wild In Wild K Pilgrim, is also available for placement with a new herd